Sandi Piatz

Sandi is the Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at OmniByte. She is responsible for sales & marketing strategy and execution. Sandi is passionate about collaborating with customers to innovate across the business, achieving successful outcomes through digital transformation. Prior to OmniByte, Piatz spent a majority of her tenure in roles at Microsoft, APS (Advantage Payment Services), and Eide Bailly LLP’s Technology Consulting practice. Sandi serves on the Board of Directors for the University of Jamestown, YWCA, and Ascensus Trust. Sandi received her undergrad from the University of Jamestown (UJ), Master’s in Leadership from UJ and her MBA from the University of Mary.

Outside of work, Sandi enjoys reading, golfing, hiking, yoga, and running. She recently ran her 18th half marathon. She has also run 2 full marathons and 1 Ragnar.

Sandi is wearing a blue blazer with a white shirt. She has long blonde hair and is posing in an outdoor scene with lush greenery in the background